I love the little dancing penguins in the movie, Happy Feet, so I wanted to include a winter project for one of the art classes featuring these favorite little birds. The bodies, breasts, feet, beaks and wings are torn from colored construction paper. You’ll find a supplies list and directions for this project, “Happy Feet,” in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree always reminds me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When one person may say Charlie’s tree is pathetic, lots of others, especially children, would say it is beautiful. See how the little ones love drawing Charlie’s tree.
You’ll find a supplies list, pictured directions and image pattern for this project, “Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree” under the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Imagine a cold, winter evening with snow flurries blowing through a field of fir trees. Imagine one of those trees beautifully decorated, though no one is there to see it. For this project we are going to paint this imaginary scene.
You’ll find step-by-step photos for this project, “Oh, Christmas Tree” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Three kings, traveling by night and following a bright star, arrived in Bethlehem. When they found Jesus, cuddled in Mary’s arms, they fell to their knees and worshiped him. They brought expensive gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. This project depicts the journey of the Three Kings.
You’ll find the patterns and directions for this project, “The Three Kings,” in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
A grey overcast sky, snowflakes and a sun trying desperately to shine are conditions that inspire conversation. We can imagine that humans aren’t the only ones talking about the weather. In this art project we try to picture birds wondering how long it will be before the snow stops and the sun shines. You’ll find this project, “Talking Weather,” in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
This mirrored silhouette art is a great project for the fifth or sixth graders. It isn’t real easy so they will have a sense of accomplishment when they finish making their art.
The supplies list and pictured directions for this “Snowy Winter Scene” can be found in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
This project is so much fun. We’re making lady-bug buds on a bush. That’s kind of a tongue twister, but you get the idea. Although I used a variety of colors for the lady bugs in my sample, I think using just one color for all the lady bugs would make an outstanding piece. The body of the lady bug is a thumb or fingerprint. Make the head with a Q-tip, and the spots and eyes with a toothpick. You’ll find all the directions for Thumbprint Lady Buds in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Using a brown grocery bag and making “leather” for this project is the first step when making this American Indian papoose. The third graders in our school study the American Indians, so I thought this would be a fun project for them. It will take more than one one-hour class unless the “leather” is made before class.
You’ll find the step-by-step instructions for this project, “American Indian Papoose,” in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.