The iris folding technique, which resembles the iris of the eye or the lens of a camera, can be used to make greetings cards or a picture to be framed. Strips of paper are folded in half and then stacked and taped in a spiral design. For the cross pattern in this project, four color coordinated papers are used to create the design. I used flower themed calendar pages for this cross. Click on the photo to see a full picture of it. You’ll find the directions and pattern for this “Iris Fold Cross” project under the Easter Projects Gallery in right sidebar.
This project uses a cross drawn over a puzzle pieces page. We, God’s people, are the puzzle pieces joined together in communion with Jesus Christ, also a piece of the puzzle. By His suffering and death on the cross, He assured us of life everlasting. Click on the image to get a full picture of the project. Because this project could be used with any class, I’ve listed “Bible Verse Cross Art” under the Easter Projects Gallery in the right sidebar.
There are six Easter drawings included in this project. The drawings can be used by any class and with a variety of different art supplies. I have added suggestions and samples of a few ways to use the drawings, but I’m sure you’ll think of even better ways to use them.
You’ll find the patterns and directions for these “Easter Art Project Drawings“ under the Easter Projects Gallery in the sidebar to the right.
Milagros is a Spanish word for “miracle” or “surprise,” and for many years the little charms have been used in prayer petitions and thanksgiving. For example: If your request is to heal a broken relationship, or for someone who has had a heart attack, the image could be shaped as a heart. The charms are attached to a cross, an altar, a wall of a church or to a statue of a saint.
To learn more about the Milagros and for directions on how this project can be used as a Lenten project, go to the lesson plan. You’ll find a supplies list and directions for making a “Milagros Cross” in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar to the right.
This Lenten project is meant to encourage the children to stay motivated throughout the Lenten season. While doing this Lenten craft, use the opportunity to share, with the children, the need for prayer and giving. Have them suggest specific actions for each of the words. Find this project, “Lent to Easter: Start and Finish Strong,” in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar to the right.
Sometimes it’s pretty hard to find art and craft projects for the Lenten season. I have some here on Kids and Glitter, but I wanted to include more projects, those that also included the directions and patterns or printables, so you would have a larger selection of Lenten project for the kids. Click on the image to the left and you’ll get a full sized image of this beautiful diorama project from Catholic Inspired. That, and other great Lenten crafts, can be found at Lenten Arts and Crafts.
Next to Christmas, a day most little kids love the best is a birthday. A gentle reminder for them to remember why we celebrate Christmas is this project that combines Christmas and a very special birthday. The Jesus and angel faces are left blank on the pattern to give the students an opportunity to make their picture unique. The patterns and directions for this project, “Happy Birthday, Jesus,” can be found in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
In our quest to imitate the abstract art of Van Gogh, we print sections of a drawing. Each section will be treated as an individual piece of stained glass. The student, after receiving a section showing random black marks on it, colors the spaces on the paper with oil pastels. Later, the sections are correctly assembled and together become an amazing portrait of Mary and Jesus. Look in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery for this “Abstract Art ala Van Gogh,” project.