The Huichol Indians, who live in a distant part of Mexico, illustrate their religious beliefs in beautifully designed yarn paintings called “Nearika.” A traditional Huichol representation is that of the deified face of the sun, the Giver of Life. The Huichol make this art by spreading a mixture of beeswax and pine resin on a board and then pressing pieces of yarn onto it. While their art is intricate, we use simple images to make our version of nearika. Also we use white glue in place of the beeswax and resin mixture. “Nearika, Huichol Art,” is found in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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Paul Brent paints a variety of subjects, but my favorite is his cityscapes. He has four versions, with four different colored sky backgrounds, of his cityscapes. We imitate his art by painting a background on watercolor paper. Then we draw city buildings on printed newspaper. For a supply list and directions for this project, ” Paul Brent Cityscapes,” look in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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The Elephant is the most revered, protected and well treated of any animal in India. The culture of India includes the elephant in its historical, royal, religious and mythological importance. Although the elephant was used mainly for shifting heavy items and as a weapon when fighting wars, it was also the main means of transportation of the King or Maharaja. There are festivals held in India each year in which the highly bejeweled and velvet adorned elephants are the prime attraction.

If you wish to have the students draw their own elephant, there is a good tutorial of how to draw an elephant at  If you experience time restraints, you may want to use the patterns enclosed. For a better view, click on the image on the left. This project, “The Elephant Parade,” can be found in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Roses seem like they’d be such a hard thing to draw, but with a little help from the website I have included in this project, it’s quite easy. Every 6th grader just knew they couldn’t draw one—-until they did. You can see how well they did. You can use construction paper or other white paper for this, but watercolor paper is best. You’ll need that, watercolor pencils and a small paint brush. For directions go to, “Roses in Watercolor Pencil,” in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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I’ve included a web address to an art gallery with loads of rooster art pictures. Just click on the address and it’ll take you directly to the page. I made a Power Point of some of these pictures and put them up on a screen. We discussed how artists, using the same subject (roosters), differed in their perceptions. One thing all had in common was that you knew they were painting chickens. I gave a very basic lesson in drawing a rooster, and then the 6th Graders drew their own interpretations on colored construction paper. They added borders and colored with either oil pastels, colored chalk or crayons. More info on this project, “Roosters,”  can be found in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery and in the sidebar.

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These beautiful Lenten pictures are made using tinfoil and permanent markers. This is quite an outstanding project which I think has a Tiffany style look. I have listed this, “Lenten Tiffany-Style Art,” in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar, but younger kids could do this also.

Click on the picture to get a closer view.

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Just a few basic supplies and what an outstanding project this turns out to be. This silhouette is achieved with the use of a recylced magazine image, black construction paper, scissors, tape and oil pastels. For the complete instructions for “Sunset Silhouettes,” go to the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Debi Hubbs, artist, has a website, Debi Hubbs Illustration. Her sense of humor, shown in her paintings, proves that art is fun. We chose examples of her art  to imitate. We first drew the picture, and then colored in the background (negative spaces) with black. Included in this lesson is a PowerPoint presentation of Debi’s art. Directions for this project , “Jungle Cat,” is in the 6th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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