We viewed the gallery pictures of Laurel Burch from her website. I have included her site address in the project specifics. I have a number of the 5th grader’s works, inspired by Laurel, included in the lesson. You have to see them to appreciate how they have the same colorful, whimsical feel as Laurels do. Check “Laurel Burch Inspired” in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Georgia O’Keefe painted flowers up close—I’m sure you’ve seen her calendar pictures. Using these calendar images, the 5th Grade imitated her style. They used colored or white construction paper and oil pastels for their works of art. These pictures, “Georgia O’Keefe Flowers,” are even more beautiful when seen in person. Directions can be found in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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These cute little butterfly magnets are made with clip clothespins, construction paper, old greeting cards and incidentals. Kids can make them, but I’ve found that it works best to glue the wings on with a glue gun. Therefore this is a 5th Grade project. The rest is simple. The pattern and directions for “Butterfly Magnet” are in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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Gaston Chaissac’s art has a look that reminds me of simple, colorful, modern pottery. His simplistic view is evident in this Gaston quote, “Without a doubt I have a soul that is very close to a circus performer, who, like me, hardly know how to write and am not instructed by what they see.”  His art isn’t limited by rules or other’s expectations. I have included a PowerPoint presentation of Chaissac’s art with this lesson. “Gaston Chaissac on Glass,” can be found in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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We call this project “Pieces of Poetry”because, in some way, all of our experiences are pieces of the puzzle of our life. This 5th Grade project has a lot to do with listening to instructions and careful cutting and pasting. We use black construction paper, magazine images, a puzzle pattern (included), scissors, glue sticks, and a black Sharpie in this project. For all the instructions or “Pieces of Poetry,” go to the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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The kids are going to love this—and so are you. When you look at a light and turn the kaleidoscope you will be amazed at how beautiful this project is. It’s also very easy and a lot of fun. I wish there was a way I could show you the view through the kaleidoscope. I just know you would want to do this project if you could see the view. You’ll find the directions and step-by-step images for the “Amazing Kaleidoscope” in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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We use the Henri Matisse collage, “The Horse, the Rider and the Clown,” as our inspiration for this project. On the website, find information about how Matisse found his way to, as he called it, “painting with scissors.” You’ll find this project, “The Dog, The Cat and the Panther,” in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

Click on the image for a close-up view.

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Our project reminds us of the three crosses standing in a place called Golgotha. And of the extreme suffering Jesus endured to give us a chance to one day be with Him in Heaven. Our project called, “A Place Called Golgotha,” can be found in the 5th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

Click the image on the left for a clearer view.

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