Retablos were wooden boxes that depicted scenes of historical, religious or important everyday events in the lives of the native peoples of Peru. Originally they were small highly decorated wooden boxes with complex Christian-theme images inside (Nativities, Crucifixion, Last Supper). They were carried by priests and used as travelling altars, hence the name “Altar Box”. Later, retablos evolved to include daily scenes in the lives of the Andean people, such as harvests, processions, feasts, and tableaux depicting shops and homes. Excerpts from Directions for making the, “Retablos,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

Click on the image on the left for a closer view of the project.

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A matryoshka doll is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other. Matryoshkas date from 1890, and are said to have been inspired by souvenir dolls from Japan. A set of matryoshkas consists of a wooden figure which can be pulled apart to reveal another figure of the same sort inside. It has, in turn, another figure inside, and so on. The number of nested figures is usually five or more. The shape is mostly cylindrical, rounded at the top for the head and tapered towards the bottom, but little else; the dolls have no hands (except those that are painted). Excerpts from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  Our matryoshka doll, a set of six dolls, is made of cardstock and colored with colored pencils or colored markers. Directions for, “Russian Matryoshka Doll,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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“Reptile Camouflage” is what we call this 4th Grade project. We start out using white chalk on black construction paper, then oil pastels. The same method is used on the black background paper. Then the reptile is cut out and glued to the background with accordian pleated tabs. A very outstanding finished product! For complete instructions go to “Reptile Camouflage” in the 4th Grade Projects  in the sidebar.

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The elementary students won a contest put on by the Henry Doorly zoo in Omaha. The book reading contest had the students and teachers excited and determined to win. They really enjoyed their day at the zoo and I thought it would be fun and fitting to do a project with a zoo theme. I’ve admired Yuko Lau’s animal art, so we used her art as our inspiration and then added the zoo bars. The pictures were so cute that I almost changed my mind and skipped the bars—–we’ll probably do it that way next year. You can check out her art at The directions for, “At The Zoo With Yuko Lau,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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Arpilleras are intricately detailed hand sewn textile pictures. Each piece illustrates some aspect of  daily life for the women of the Andes. the arpillera, in an array of  colors, tells the story of the country markets where locals come to buy vegetables, clothing and woolor weaving. To do this project, each student was given a copy of an arpillera textile picture to use as a guide. This project takes two class periods to complete. This project, “Peruvian Textile Art,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Do you need something to get you into the Spring mood? These stand alone butterflies will make you “think Spring.” Any class could make these, if they’re precise with the scissors. The antennae and legs might be a bit difficult for the lower grades. Choose between the already printed butterfly or design your own with the blank version. The directions for, “Butterfly Sparkle,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

Click on the picture for a close-up view.

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This tri-panel Silhouette has a tissue painted background. Water is brushed over colored tissue paper and then removed. We used torn pieces of tissue paper, rather than cut squares, to give the painting a sunset appearance. This project was so much fun because we discovered so many different colors when we over lapped the tissue pieces. Although I have this as a 4th Grade project, it’s appropriate for other classes as well. You’ll find the directions for “Tri-panel Silhouette,” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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In a galaxy far, far, away, Just looking at pictures of the stars and planets in the galaxy gives you a wonderous feeling. I put together a Power Point presentation of the galaxy, and the kids were in awe of the beauty of outer space. The Hubble website at t will give you many pictures to choose from for a Power Point presentation. After viewing the presentation, the students made an outer space picture of their own. You can find printable planet shapes at . Find the directions for this project, “Outer Space,” look in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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