It’s fall and we are producing a harvest landscape. This landscape is to  include certain fall items, but it was up to each student to decide where to put the items. This is a project where we stress perspective and, more importantly, “following directions.” These 4th graders did a very good job of both. Find this project,Fall in the Country,” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Some interesting facts about totem poles: Indian tribes of the Pacific Northeast Coast, Washington state in the USA, British Columbia in Canada, and some tribes in Alaska shared in an ancient tradition of totem poles. Totem poles may depict legends, historic persons or clan lineages. Vertical order of the images denoted the importance of the representation.  The higher on the totem pole, the more significance; of less importance and further down comes the “Low man on the Totem Pole.” Directions for this project, “Native American Totem Pole,” can be found in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Kokeshi dolls are characterized by their lack of arms and legs, as well as their brightly painted kimono in floral designs and geometric patterns. We prepared the background, and the paper the flowers were cut from, before coloring and cutting out the doll. The background paper was painted by using two inch squares of colored tissue paper (tissue painting). The paper for the flowers was painted with torn tissue paper. The directions for this project, “Japanese Kokeshi Doll,” is in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar. This project takes two —l hour—-sessions to complete.

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The poem, “Children Learn What They Live,” by Dorothy Law Nolte is such a powerful lesson for anyone who touches the lives of children. Â We used words in the poem for towns on our map. This project, which uses old road maps for the background, stresses the importance of how everything we do points us in the direction of our ultimate destination, heaven. The supply list, directions and pattern for, “Life Is A Journey,” is in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Halloween Magic

These three Halloween figures, a bat, a cat and a spider are glued to black painted top rolls. They can be taped on a piece of yarn or string and hung as a classroom decoration; they can be stuffed with mini candy bars and used as place cards; they can hold a rolled napkin for a napkin holder; or used as decorations on the table. These are very cute, easy to make and inexpensive. For a list of supplies, patterns and directions for this project, go to “Halloween Black Magic” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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“Hot Air Balloons” is a project that describes what is seen from high above the ground. We viewed a Power Point presentation of hot air balloons and discussed how distance is shown in a painting. We also noticed how colorful and interesting the balloons were. This 4th Grade project uses crayons because of all the different choices of colors. For complete directions for this project, “Hot Air Balloons,” check in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Bold, colorful and humorous describes James Rizzi’s paintings. We viewed a Power Point presentation of Rizzi’s art and then the kids did “Rizzi” type drawings of their own. White construction paper, crayons and a black Sharpie were all the supplies needed. Check out the 4th Grade version of “The Rizzi Way” art. For complete directions go to the 4th Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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Imagine the colors and designs that make up a quilt block. We took a drawn image and drew in the designs and then colored them. There are a lot of free coloring pages online that would work well. Size them to the size you want, or make the colored border paper larger.  We displayed them together on the wall, like a quilt. Find directions and more pictures for “Design the Fabric,” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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