When the plains Indians were moving from place to place, they carried their clothing, valuables, tools, etc. in a parfleche, which was made from dried buffalo hide and decorated with brightly colored geometric designs. The parfleche was used by the Indian as we would use a suitcase.

 A great informational handout on the Plains Indian Parfleche can be found at . You can print off the two sheets which give information about the parfleche and directions on how to make one from felt and using acrylic or tempera paints. Instead of the felt, we used brown grocery bag paper as the rawhide and colored our geometric designs with markers. We used the measurements and the cutting directions from the handout. Directions for our method, “American Indian Parfleche,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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I’ve seen a number of art projects that were inspired by Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, but I really was impressed with one I saw on Artsonia a couple of years ago. So of course I needed to try to imitate it. I hadn’t realized that Monet had actually painted a series of almost 250 Water Lily oil paintings until I read about it on Wikipedia. For a list of supplies and the directions for, “Water Lilies Like Claude Monet,” go to the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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At last it looks like winter is over. The third grade made bouquets of flowers to decorate the school halls. This was their first project using colored tissue paper, water and a brush. They loved this project and I think they did a great job with their bouquets. This will make a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. For a list of supplies and directions, look for “Spring Bouquet” in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Looking at a picture of a peaceful, elegant swan puts me in a pensive mood. I’ve made a PowerPoint of works by an artist called Stuchie. He is a minister who says art is artistic therapy for him. I want to do this project with the 3rd grade, but the classroom doesn’t have the equipment to show the PowerPoint, so I picked out one picture to make an example and will have the kids make a swan picture. We’re using oil pastels on black paper for this project. Draw the swan on the black paper with white oil pastel or chalk. Or,— I have included a rough sketch of a swan for anyone who wants a bit of help making a sample. I colored the back of the sketch with white crayon and used a stylus (old ball point pen) to trace the swan on my black paper. The PowerPoint takes about a minute to load. The directions for this project, “Swan Lake,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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The night looks chilly where this snowy owl perches on a leafless limb. A step by step “how to draw an owl,” is included with this project. Simple and easy.

The directions for “Little Snow Owl,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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If you’ve ever seen the intricate appliqu patterns in quilts, you know this isn’t it.  But with a little imagination you might be able to see a vague similarity. This project looks more involved than it is. Three inch squares of one color construction paper and a full sheet of another and we’re in business. For the instructions for this “Quilt Applique” project, look under the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar

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cereal box creche 1

This cereal box Nativity is a great classroom project that doesn’t take an extraordinary amount of preparation. This project is made by cutting a cereal box and painting the inside of it. The Nativity figures are free images that can be printed from the FREE-N-FUN Christmas site. I’ve included instructions on how to resize the images to fit the cereal box. You’ll find the instructions to make this “Cereal Box Creche” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar. Click on the photo for a larger image.

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baby jesus ornament 3Making Christmas ornaments for the family Christmas tree is an activity that, for many families, has become a tradition. This little Baby Jesus ornament is easy to make using cardstock and a glitter chenille strip. The faces on the ornaments are blank so the kids can draw in Baby Jesus’ face. You might want to give each child two copies of the ornament so they can make one Jesus, sleeping and another one of Jesus awake. You’ll find the pattern and instructions for this “Baby Jesus Ornament” in the 4th Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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