This is a very nice project for the 3rd grade that, with a little preparation, can be finished in an hour session. In order to keep this art project from taking too much class time, I prepared the brown grocery sacks before class. I found examples of American Indian art by searching on Google images. I printed some of the images and we discussed what they represented in respect to Indian culture. For directions on preparing the brown bags, supplies needed and some 3rd grade completed works, look at “American Indian Art” in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
This Lenten project is a little box that we can use to open discussion and explain some of the symbols from the Passion story. The box can be used during Lent to put money for an offering at mass on Easter. I’ve included a sentence or two about each of the symbols in the directions. This project, “Lenten Symbols Box,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar. As with most of the projects, this is suitable for any class.
As many different kids there are in the classroom, thats how many different starbursts you get. The kids and I decided these looked like what we would imagine prehistoric birds looked like so we added a head—and in some instances a tail. These are quite beautiful. A ruler is a necessity for this project. For the directions for this project, “Prehistoric Starburst Birds” go to the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Another cute and easy angel, but this one also uses wallpaper pieces. There are patterns for the gown and wings. Supplies needed include pieces of wallpaper, cardstock, glue dots and glitter glue. You could make a whole choir of angels in no time flat. The directions for the “Wallpaper Angel” are in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Fun Farm
We started our class showing a PowerPoint presentation of Rob Scotton’s art. This is the first year that the first, second and third grades are able to view art using PowerPoint, so they were really excited with this new experience. They loved looking at the art of Rob Scotton and were happy to try to imitate his art. The main reasons for this lesson was to stress; drawing to fill the page and perspective. I really think the results of this lesson are impressive. Rob Scotton is the author and illustrator of the kids books, “Splat the Cat” and “Russell the Sheep.” Check out his website at This project, “Cows, Chickens and a Cat,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
This is a two session art class. The first session will be to paint the papers. The second session will be to draw, cut out and paste the birds on the prepared background paper.
The third grade class spent one art session tissue painting white construction paper and newspaper to use for future art projects. Before class I tore the pages of newspaper in half to make them easier to work with. I also chose the pages with mostly writing on. You can use the pictured pages to protect the desk or table. “Newspaper Birds,” is found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
The 3rd Grade did this project called “Landscape in Oil Pastel.” We took pictures of the class working on this project and you can see that they are busy. We used oil pastels on black construction paper. This project takes time because it’s very important to really fill in with the oil pastels so the picture is bright and bold. More info on this project, “Landscape in Oil Pastel,” can be found in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Snapshots work well in these canning jar flat and lid frames. They’re quick and easy to make and of course the kids want to give them to parents (Mother’s Day or Father’s Day) and grandparents. Besides the jar flat and lid, you’ll need crayons or colored pencils, a glue gun, and transparency film. There are patterns for a puppy, a bunny, a bear and a kitty frame included in the directions. A complete supplies list for, “Jar Lid Photo Frame,” is in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.