Here’s another Mother’s Day project using watercolor paper. This time for the vase that folds so the bouquet is free standing. The flower centers can be drawn in or you can use the pattern sheet of already drawn faces. Although this project, “My Mom Rocks,” could be made by any class, I’ve put it in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

Click on the picture on the left to see a closer view of it.

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The empty tomb—He is risen!! This project has a boulder, which is  attached to the tomb with a paper fastener. The boulder can be left closed before Easter and then opened at Easter to revel the empty tomb with the message, “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.” The supply list and directions for this project, “The Empty Tomb,” can be found in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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This project is suitable for any time of year, but I think it has special significance during the Easter season. Before we begin our class, the second graders and I talk about Jesus’ life, death and resurection and why the butterfly is an Easter symbol.

The patterns and directions for “Paper Bag Butterfly Puppet,” can be found in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

Click on the picture above for a close up look at the project.

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“Be My Way, Be My Truth, Be My Life, Oh Lord.” A beautiful hymn is the inspiration for this First Communion triptych. Made while preparing for first reconciliation and communion, this project will have special meaning for the class.  This will make a nice table decoration for the First Communicant’s special day. Directions for this project, “Be My Way Triptych,” is in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery  in the sidebar.

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The painted turtle is just one of nature’s beautiful reptiles. The construction paper body of our turtle is sandwiched between two CDs that form the shells. Our little hanging turtle has assorted sequins attached with glitter glue on one side; and is decorated with colored paper bits on the opposite side.  Find the directions for, “Hanging CD Turtle,” in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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Kate Mawdsley, artist, is the inspiration for this project. Her animal paintings are so simple and colorful. This is a good project to get the kids to draw large; to fill the paper. I cut paper so it measured 4 ½” x 12″ to reproduce the proportions of Kate’s art. I searched Kate Mawdsley on Google images and made a copy of her animal prints for the kids to reference. The kids loved this project and you can see what great results were achieved. To learn more about Kate Mawdsley , go to Directions for, “Animal Art ala Kate Mawdsley,” go to the 2nd grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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As parents and teachers we strive to promote strong character traits in children. The poem, “Children Learn What They Live,” by Dorothy Law Nolte (you can see a copy of her poem at is the inspiration for this project. I call it Wanna Bees, as in, “I wanna be happy, or I wanna be loyal or I wanna be honest.” To be a positive role model, I have to “wanna be” too. You’ll find directions for this project, “Wanna Bees,” in the 2nd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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The beautiful and varied shapes of leaves make for wonderful art. This project allows the 3rd Grade to practice their skills of tracing, using a ruler and following directions. This picture doesn’t show the glitter, but it is especially beautiful with the glitter added. Using white glue and gold or silver glitter, rather than the glitter glue, really makes for an outstanding project. Directions for “Fall Surprise” are in the 3rd Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.

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