This 1st Grade project was on perspective, the closer an object is the larger and closer to the bottom of the page it is and the further away the object is the small and closer to the top of the page. You’ll notice that the class got the idea. I’ve included a web address that gives a simple lesson on drawing frogs. The expressions on the faces of the frogs are so cute. No special supplies needed, just crayons and a black Sharpie. More information about the “Frogs on Lily Pads” can be found in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Today I’ve selected the project, “Torn Birds,” to feature. This is a first grade project that really gets the kids’ attention. Special supplies, other than construction paper, for this project are feathers, google eyes, glue sticks and colored chalk. For directions for this project, “Torn Birds,” go to the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Some years ago I saw a version of this on Kaboose and thought these pony bead fish would make an appropriate project for Lent. The 1st graders made necklaces from the pony bead fish. In the early days of Christianity, Christians were persecuted or even put to death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. So they devised a secret code that would identify themselves as Christian. More information on this project, “Pony Bead Fish Necklace,” can be found in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Click on the image for a better view of the project.
Some kids love dinosaurs, so this diorama will be something they will enjoy. Our classes are only one hour long, so I have chosen to print dinosaur pictures to use with this project, but if you choose to have the kids draw the dinosaurs, here is a great website showing how to draw them. . In the supply list I have included a sheet of images to use as I did. For diorama background ideas, go to and click on the different categories. For safety and also as a time saver cut the front panels from the Kleenex boxes before class. This project, “Dinosaur Diorama,” is in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Marcus Pfister’s “The Rainbow Fish,” is a lesson on how sharing can make us feel good. The fish are drawn by starting a line for one side of the tail of the fish, extending the line and making an oval shape, then extending the line for a second side of the tail. A curved line finishes the tail. Fins are drawn at the top and bottom of the fish shape; a curved line is drawn inside the oval to make the fish head; an eye is drawn with a small solid circle inside a larger circle; draw lips and then scales. The directions for this project, “Rainbow Fish,” can be found in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
In February we start to seriously think about the coming of warmer weather and Spring. Of course that means April showers and usually wind. We give our cloud and raindrops a 3-D effect by folding and allowing part of the cloud and raindrops to be free. The directions for this project, “April Showers,” can be found in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
There’s snow on the ground and the temperature is below freezing, but the 1st grade class is “thinking Spring” today. Tissue flowers can stand the cold. Tissue papers come in so many beautiful colors and the combinations of colors will make each students art unique. This project is easy and lots of fun. You’ll find the directions for this project, “Tissue Flower Collage,” in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
This is a fun little project that the kids enjoy. The 1st Grade can easily do this. It’s a good lesson on listening and waiting for directions. Careful cutting is also stressed. Directions and patterns for this craft, “Puppy Puppet,” are in the 1st Grade Projects Gallery in the sidebar.
Click on the picture to get a better look at this “Puppy Puppet.”