Spontaneous prayer isn’t easy for everyone, but it becomes easier with practice. This prayer circle is meant to help express love and appreciation to our Heavenly Father, for all the gifts we receive daily. It reminds us to express our love for Him and to thank Him for the family and friends that He has blessed us with. Pray by asking for God’s help, to make right choices in all that we do and to always do His will.
Thanking God for good things that happen, as they happen, make for good prayer habits. A quick, spontaneous prayer asking for help dealing with school subjects or disagreements among friends strengthens our relationship with Jesus.
This prayer circle is meant to help children recognize what their prayers can be about.
- Construction paper or card stock
- Prayer list (Pattern)
- Prayer circle (Pattern)
- Colored pencils
- Scissors
- Paper fastener
Use colored pencils to lcolor the prayer list circle and the angel cover circle. Add more than one color to the background if you want, and color over the title words with color.
Cut the two circles, place them together and make a small hole in the center (dot by angel shoulder) through both circles. Use a paper fastener to keep them together and so the top circle moves over the prayer suggestions.
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