We all know how much fun it is to believe in Santa Claus, looking forward to his coming to our house and his leaving gifts. But, we also want our children to understand the deeper meaning of the Christmas holiday.
In this project we’re hoping to help the children find Jesus, and the Holy Family, in the eyes of Santa. I don’t think that it is necessary to ignore either Santa Claus or the Baby Jesus to celebrate this most holy and anticipated season of the year. The magic of Christmas is seen in the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Be sure to share this story with the little ones.
- White construction paper
- Copy of Santa face (Pattern)
- Blue construction paper for background
- Colored pencils or crayons
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Gold glitter glue or white glue and glitter
- Print out copies of Santa’s face. Help the kids find the Holy Family in Santa’s eyes.
- Color the picture using colored pencils or crayons. I think the colored pencils work better to color the details.
- Carefully cut out Santa’s face.
- Glue Santa’s face on the blue background paper.
- Use gold glitter glue to outline the star, the star rays, halos on Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, the halo and wings on the angel.
- Add gold glitter dots for stars on the background paper.
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